Day 254: No bounds

I read a quote this morning that was really quite inspiring. It’s contributed to that well-known author and great thinker: Unknown. He (or she) said:

A blind man’s world is bound by the limits of his touch; An ignorant man’s world by the limits of his knowledge; A great man’s worlds by the limits of his vision.

I really like that.

Many times we are bound by our sight, or what we know; what we perceive; or what we sense, but we do need to have a vision, or a direction to follow. The author who used this anonymous quote was using it as a foundation for his ideas that you have to write down your vision so that you have something real to work towards. I agree with that theory.

I’ve had several visions swimming around in my head and so I took the time to get them out on paper this morning. It’s really funny, but when you can put those things in writing, they suddenly take on a life. They feel real, like you need to do something about them.

So this afternoon, I tested my vision on a few people and got some feedback. Each person gave me some ideas and I added them to my list.

The next step is to literally step…I’ve got to step out in faith and act on this vision, or else it will simply sit there in my notebook.

DAY 254 HOMEWORK: Do you have a vision swimming in your head? Something you’ve been daydreaming about? Get out a journal and start brainstorming. Try to capture all the ideas that have been coming to you…you know, in those moments when you’re brushing your teeth, or washing your hair? Write them down. And then try your ideas out on someone to see what ideas they can add to your vision.