Day 273: SOMEDAY

It’s nearly midnight and I’ve not finished my blog for this day. Does it count if it goes into tomorrow? I think not, so long as I’m still working diligently. I can make that call, because I’m not perfect and I accept that. Aren’t I coming a long way since last fall?

Today, I was searching for something profound to say in a report, and it didn’t come, so I googled a saying that I have stuck on my monitor: “Spend kindness like it’s money, and pretend you’re a billionaire.” I can’t take credit for that saying, because, like Solomon said, there’s nothing new under the sun, but I do love it and try to spend kindness wildly. Anyway, while I was googling quotes, I came across one that inspired me.

There are only seven days in a week, and SOMEDAY isn’t one of them.      ~ Sean Ogle

I didn’t know who Sean Ogle is or if he is the originator of that quote, but I thought about that for a long time. We have a tendency to say SOMEDAY or ONE DAY way too much and we don’t live out our dreams because SOMEDAY, like TOMORROW, lives out in the future somewhere. You never really get there.

So I googled Sean Ogle. He’s a kid who got a degree in finance in 2007, hated a corporate life, so in 2009, he quit and decided he would make his own way. He’s part of a moment called Live Your Legend and many people are trying to live that lifestyle. It goes against convention, and probably all wisdom, but who knows if you couldn’t do the same if you just tried.

DAY 273 HOMEWORK: What’s your SOMEDAY? Let’s start thinking about that…you know, your bucket list. What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? What would you do if it were your SOMEDAY?

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